The Chocolate Conservatory

The Chocolate Conservatory

The Lifestyle Research Center is proud to announce the participation of Anissa Pomiès as a guest speaker to the following event: The Chocolate Conservatory The Responsibility of Taste October 28-29, 2019   –   Paris, France This event is co-organized by Harvard...
ICR 2019 reflections

ICR 2019 reflections

At the beginning of May, emlyon’s Lifestyle Research Centre hosted the 10th Interpretive Consumer Research (ICR) workshop. The workshop, which began in 1999, brings together around 100, mainly European, academics to discuss their own research activities in the field...
ICR 2019 emlyon program

ICR 2019 emlyon program

Lifestyle Research Centre at emlyon business school co-organises the 10th WORKSHOP ON INTERPRETIVE CONSUMER RESEARCH (ICR) by EIASM, in Lyon, May 9-10, 2019. Find here the program…

Does the future of research lie in weaving?

Does the future of research lie in weaving?

  Anissa Pomiès, emlyon business school This article was originally published in French. The original version is available on The Conversation website. Original Version Some researchers have recently questioned the realities of doctoral life in management science...