Ongoing projects & Publications



  • Auriacombe B. (2023). Répondre au client mécontent: le point de vue du personnel en contact, in Sarabande des hot topics en Marketing, Cova V., Presses Universitaires de Provence, ISBN: 9791032004579.
  • De Molli F., Vecco M. & Pizzetti M. (2023) Space for seduction: the redefining of auction housesrole in the art market, Consumption Markets & Culture, 26:1, 47-63, DOI: 10.1080/10253866.2022.2125509 
  • Gruber, V., Peignier, I., & Pentcheva, E. (2023). Analyse des motivations d’achat de camions légers au Québec (2023RP-05, Rapports de projets, CIRANO.)  
  • Harju, L. K., Seppala, P., Hakanen, & J. J. (2023) Bored and exhausted? Profiles of boredom and exhaustion at work and the role of job stressors. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 144, Advance online:
  • Harju, L. K., Tims, M., Hakanen, J. J., & Khapova, S. N. (2023). Crafting for oneself while considering others: how the relational design of work shapes job crafting. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Advance online: 
  • Heine, K. & Phan, M. (2023) How to Move from Product to Cultural Innovation, The European Business Review, October 2023
  • Jafari, A., Moufahim, M., Rinallo, D., Appau, S. (2023), “Theorizing consumption and markets in the context of religion: A commentary section on Appau’s (2021) ‘divine economic system’. Marketing Theory. 14705931231153192.
  • Minina Jeunemaître, A (forthcoming 2023) The future of wellbeing: value creation in digital mental health services. In Bäckström, K., Egan-Wyer, C., Samsioe E. (Ed.) The Future of Consumption: How Technology, Sustainability and Wellbeing will Transform Retail and Customer Experience. Springer International Publishing.
  • Moufahim, M., Rodner, V., El Jurdi, H., Appau, S., Belk, R.V., Rinallo, D. (2023). “Researching the sacred: A conversation with Samuelson Appau, Russ Belk and Diego Rinallo. Qualitative Market Review, 26 (2): 173-182. 
  • Ottlewski, L., Rokka, J., Schouten, J. (2023). How consumer-initiated platforms shape family and consumption, Marketing Theory.
  • Rinallo, D. & Santana, J. (2023) “Spirituality and Consumption”. In Arnould, E., Crockett, D., Thompson, C., and Weinberger, M. (Eds.), Consumer Culture Theory Handbook, 2nd edition (SAGE Publishing). 
  • Rinallo, D., Santana, J., Zanette, M. C., Appau, S., Coffin, J., Eckhardt, G. M., … & Stevens, L. (2023). Where spirituality and religion meet gender and sexuality: Toward a research agenda for intersectional marketing theory. Marketing Theory, 14705931231154947. 
  • Rivieccio, G., Raïes, K., & Schiavone, F. (2023). Are you attractive enough? An empirical analysis on user innovators’ characteristics and the creation of new social ventures. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 189, 122383. 
  • Rokka, J., Auriacombe, B., Arnould, E. and Sitz, L. (2023) Dynamics of Convivial Affective Atmospheres, Annals of Tourism Research, in print.
  • Santana, J., Pimentel, R. O., Adelino Brandão, H., & Valdevino, A. M. (2023). Father Cícero’s water: is it really for drinking?. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal26(2), 155-172.
  • Vicdan, H., Ulusoy, E., Tillotson, J., Hong, S., Ekici, A., Mimoun L., (2023), Food Prosumption Technologies: A Symbiotic Lens for a Degrowth Transition, forthcoming Marketing Theory. 
  • Wang, X., Wei, R., Liu, Y., Xia, H., & Zhao, Y. (2023). The effects of relational knowledge emphasis on new product development strategy. Industrial Marketing Management, 109, 257-270.  
  • Zanette, M.C., Rinallo, D., Mimoun, L. (2023), “Reclaiming the witch: Processes and heroic outcomes of consumer mythopoesis”. Marketing Theory 23 (1), 163-182.  



  • Airoldi, M. and Rokka, J. (2022) Algorithmic consumer culture, Consumption Markets & Culture, 25(5), 411-428.
  • Acuti, D., Pizzetti, M. & Dolnicar, S. (2022) When sustainability backfires: A review on the unintended negative side-effects of product and service sustainability on consumer behavior, Psychology & Marketing, ePub ahead of print.
  • Atwal, G., & Heine, K. (2022). Luxury, entrepreneurship, and innovation, part II. Strategic Change, 31(5), 483‑485.
  • Bénet, N., Deville, A., Raïes, K. & Valette-Florence, P. (2022) Turning non-financial performance measurements into financial performance: The usefulness of front-office staff incentive systems in hotels, Journal of Business Research, 142 (March), 317-327.
  • Bidault, F., Castello, A. & Raïes, K. (2022) The benefit of business simulations for entrepreneurship education and research: Results and suggestions, Review of Entrepreneurship, 21 (2), 83-120.
  • Birau M. (2022) “Les facteurs qui favorisent ou entravent l’efficacité des campagnes de communication destinés aux usagers.” In Bachelard et al. (Ed.) L’usager, acteur du service public, Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
  • Bompar, L., Lai C. et al. (2022) « L’importance de la force de vente dans une politique de distribution omnicanal et humaine », Ouvrage Wiki AFM « Marketing pour une société responsable » – Se former au marketing et transformer le marketing.
  • Brondino-Pompeo, K., & Santana, J. (2022). “O mágico e o extraordinário no consumo” (transl. The magic and the extraordinary in consumption). In K. Brondino-Pompeo, I. C. de Morais, & C. C. Abdalla (Eds.), Aspectos culturais do consumo: fundamentos, fronteiras e aplicações (transl. Cultural Aspects of Consumption: principles, frontiers and applications). São Paulo: Pimental Cultural.

  • Charitsis, V., & Laamanen, M. (2022). When digital capitalism takes (on) the neighbourhood : Data activism meets place-based collective action. Social Movement Studies, 1‑18.
  • Coffin, J., Eichert, C., Bettany, C., Lindridge, S., Oakenfull, G., Östberg, J., Peñaloza, L., Rinallo, D., Rowe, D., Santana, J., Visconti, L., Walther, L. (2022). “Crossing Wires: Short-Circuiting (A)sexual Hierarchies of Knowledge in Marketing Theory.” Marketing Theory. ePub ahead if print.
  • Feste, J., Ivens, B. S., & Pardo, C. (2022). Key account management formalization and effectiveness: A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. Industrial Marketing Management107, 450-465.
  • Forno, F., Laamanen, M., & Wahlen, S. (2022). (Un-)sustainable transformations: Everyday food practices in Italy during COVID-19. Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy, 18(1), 201-214. DOI: 10.1080/15487733.2022.2037341 

  • Harju, L. K., van Hootegem, A., & De Witte, H. (2022). Bored or burning out? Reciprocal effects between job stressors, boredom and burnout. Journal of Vocational Behavior, Advance online:
  • Heine, K., & Atwal, G. (2022). Growing luxury brands through culture‐driven innovation. Strategic Change, 31(5), 533‑543.
  • Hemonnet-Goujot, A., Ivens, B. S., & Pardo, C. (2022). Network creativity: A conceptual lens for inter-and intra-organizational creative processes. Industrial Marketing Management102, 503-513.
  • Jörling M., Eitze S., Schmid P., Betsch C., Allen J., Böhm R. (2022) To disclose or not to disclose? Factors related to the willingness to disclose information to a COVID-19 tracing app. Information, Communication & Society; Volume 25 issue 7.

  • Laamanen, M., Forno, F., & Wahlen, S. (2022). Neo-materialist movement organisations and the matter of scale: Scaling through institutions as prefigurative politics? Journal of Marketing Management. ePub ahead of print.

  • Laamanen, M. (2022). Organizing prefiguration. In L. Monticelli (Ed.), The Future is Now. An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

  • Leonidou, C. N., Gruber, V., & Schlegelmilch, B. B. (2022). Consumers’ Environmental Sustainability Beliefs and Activism: A Cross-Cultural Examination. Journal of International Marketing, 30(4), 78-104. 
  • Mazaj J., Grosso M., Castaldo S. “The World of Changes: COVID-19’s Impact on the Retail Path towards Sustainability” in Beatrice Luceri, Elisa Martinelli (eds.) Managing Sustainability: Perspectives From Retailing and Services, Springer Nature, Forthcoming.
  • Nguyen, Bang, Chen, Junsong, Foroudi, Pantea, Yu, Xiaoyu, Chen, Cheng-Hao, Yen, Dorothy Ai-wan (2020) Impact of CRM strategy on relationship commitment and new product development: mediating effects of learning from failure, Journal of Strategic Marketing, forthcoming.
  • Pardo, C. (2022) B2B distribution; A resource / activity perspective. In Des Garets, V. & Paché, G. (Eds.). Variations sur la consommation et la distribution : individus, expériences, systèmes, (pp.389-394). Presses universitaires de Provence. Travail & gouvernance.
  • Pardo, C., Wei, R., & Ivens, B. S. (2022). Integrating the business networks and internet of things perspectives: A system of systems (SoS) approach for industrial markets. Industrial Marketing Management104, 258-275.
  • Pardo, C., Pagani, M., & Savinien, J. (2022). The strategic role of social media in business-to-business contexts. Industrial Marketing Management101, 82-97.
  • Peters, L., Ivens, B. S., & Pardo, C. (2022). Key account managers’ identification profiles and effectiveness: A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. Industrial Marketing Management107, 253-265.
  • Pizzetti, M. and Miniero, G. (2022). Games and Museums: A Novel Approach to Attracting and Retaining Audiences”, in The Oxford Handbook of Arts and Cultural Management, Jung, Y., Vakharia, N. and Vecco M. Eds (C26.S1 C26.N1), 
  • Pomiès, A. (2022). Enquêter sans opprimer ? Une analyse réflexive des asymétries générées et amplifiées par l’enquête en milieu carcéral. Revue de l’organisation responsable17(1), 77-84.

  • Pomiès, A. and Arsel, Z. (2022) Market Work and the Formation of the Omnivorous Consumer Subject, Journal of Consumer Research, ePub ahead of print.
  • Pomiès, A., Blanchet V., Brummans B. & Vezely C (2022). The Interpreters. M@n@gement, 23(3), 74-84.
  • Rokka, J. (2022) Videography as a “Shock to thought”, Journal of Customer Behavior, 21(1-2), 26-35.
  • Santana, J., Husemann, K., & Eckhardt, G. (2022). “Digital Consumer Spirituality.” In R. Belk & R. Llamas (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption 2nd edition. Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group. 
  • Vessal, S. R., Partouche-Sebban, J., Schiavone, F., & Raïes, K. (2022). We link, you link: Social alliances and community engagement among vulnerable consumers in oncology. Journal of Business Research143, 36-45.

  • Vicdan, H., Dholakia, N. (2022), “Assembling the patient experience: Datafication of health on online healthcare platforms,” in The Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption, Russell W. Belk and Rosa Llamas (eds.), Routledge. 
  • Waelde, C., Rinallo, D., Bhattacharya, A., Deacon, H., Tabaroff, J., Ubertazzi, B. (2022), “Intangible cultural heritage, marketing and intellectual property for sustainable livelihoods: the case of HIPAMS”. In C. Cross & J. G. Giblin (Eds.) Critical Approaches to Heritage for Development. Routledge, pp. 71-88.  
  • Wei, R., & Pardo, C. (2022). Artificial intelligence and SMEs: How can B2B SMEs leverage AI platforms to integrate AI technologies?. Industrial Marketing Management, 107, 466-483. 
  • Wei, R., Geiger, S., & Vize, R. (2022). Managing paradoxical tensions in platform-based modular solution networks. Industrial Marketing Management100, 96-111.
  • Wei, R., Vize, R., & Geiger, S. (2022). Boundary resource interactions in solution networks. European Journal of Marketing.

  • Zanette, M.C., Rinallo, D. & Mimoun, L. (2022) Reclaiming the witch: Processes and heroic outcomes of consumer mythopoesis, Marketing Theory, ePub ahead of print.


  • Airoldi, M. (2021).The techno-social reproduction of taste boundaries on digital platforms: The case of music on YouTube, Poetics, in press.
  • Birau, M. M., Hildebrand, D., & Werle, C. O. (2021). EXPRESS: How Communications that Portray Unhealthy Food Consumption Reduce Food Intake Among Dieters. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 41(2), 162-176.
  • Bowen, Melanie, Christine Lai-Bennejean, Alexander Haas, and Deva Rangarajan (2021) Social media in B2B sales: Why and when does salesperson social media usage affect salesperson performance? Industrial Marketing Management, 96, 166-82.
  • Bryson, D., Atwal, G., Hultén, P., & Heine, K. (2021). Antecedents of luxury brand hate : A quantitative study. Strategic Change, 30(1), 35‑43.
  • Cwiklicki, Marek, Klich, Jacek, and Chen, Junsong (2020) The adaptiveness of the healthcare system to the fourth industrial revolution: A preliminary analysis, Futures, 122, forthcoming.
  • Goyal, Y. & Heine, K. (2021) Why do informal markets remain informal: the role of tacit knowledge in an Indian footwear cluster, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 31 (2), 639-659.
  • Gross, N. & Laamanen, M. (2021). ‘Hey, you there! Marketing!’ On ideology and (mis)interpellation of the marketing educator as subject. Journal of Marketing Management, 38 (3-4), 309-332.
  • Harju, L., Kaltiainen, J. and Hakanen, J. (2021) The double-edged sword of job crafting: The effects of job crafting on changes in job demands and employee well-being, Human Resource Management, 60(6), 953-968.
  • Harju, L., Rokka, J., Lopes, M., Airoldi, M., and Raïes, K. (2021) EMPLOYEE WELL-BEING PROFILES DURING COVID-19 LOCKDOWN: A Latent Profile Analysis of French and UK Employees, Frontiers in Psychology, 12 : 9 p.
  • Javornik, A., Duffy, K., Rokka, J., Scholz, J., Nobbs, K., Motala, A. and Goldenberg, A. (2021) Strategic approaches to augmented reality deployment by luxury brands, Journal of Business Research, 136, 284-292.
  • Juge, E., Pomiés, A., and Collin-Lachaud, I. (2021) Plateformes digitales et concurrence par la rapidité. Le cas des vêtements d’occasion, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, ePub ahead of print.
  • Kalisz, David, Schiavone, Francesco, Rivieccio, Giorgia, Viala, Céline, and Cheng, Junsong (2021) Analyzing the macro-level determinants of user entrepreneurship: the moderating role of the national culture, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 33 (3-4), 185-207.
  • Laamanen, M. (forthcoming). Organizing prefiguration. In L. Monticelli (Ed.), An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics. The Future is Now. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
  • Lopes, M., Hietanen, J. and Östberg, J. (2021) Why do crowds cause trouble? Exploring affective instability in collectivity, Marketing Theory. 21(4), 539-560.
  • Lupu, I. and Rokka, J. (2022) ‘Feeling in Control’: Optimal Busyness and the Temporality of Organizational Controls, Organization Science, 33 (4), 1396-1422.
  • Orellano, M., Lambey-Checchin, C., Medini, K., & Neubert, G. (2021). A Methodological Framework to Support the Sustainable Innovation Development Process: A Collaborative Approach. Sustainability, 13(16), 9054.
  • Ozanne, L.K., Stornelli, J., Luchs, M.G., Mick D.G., Bayuk, J., Birau, M., et al. (2021) Enabling and Cultivating Wiser Consumption: The Roles of Marketing and Public Policy, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. 40 (2), 226-244.
  • Paiola, Marco, Schiavone, Francesco, Grandinetti, Roberto, and Cheng, Junsong (2021) Digital servitization and sustainability through networking: Some evidences from IoT-based business models, Journal of Business Research, 116, 507-516.
  • Paluch S., Tuzovic S., Holz HF., Kies A., Jörling M. (2021). “My colleague is a robot” – exploring frontline employees’ willingness to work with collaborative service robots. Journal of Service Management; Volume 33 issue 2.
  • Pinchera, V. & Rinallo, D. (2021) Marketplace icon: the fashion show, Consumption Markets & Culture, 24 (5), 479-491.
  • Rokka, J. (2021) Consumer Culture Theory’s Future in Marketing, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 29 (1), 114-124. 
  • Thompson, CJ, Isisag A., (2021) Beyond existential and neoliberal explanations of consumers’ embodied risk-taking: CrossFit as an articulation of reflexive modernization, Journal of Consumer Culture, 22(2), 311-330.
  • Vicdan, H., Perezts, M., and Firat, A.F. (2021) License to heal: Understanding a Healthcare Platform Organization as a Multi-level Surveillant Assemblage, M@n@gement, forthcoming.
  • Wei, R., Wang, X.,& Chang, Y. (2021). The Effects of Platform Governance Mechanisms on Customer Participation in Supplier New Product Development. Journal of Business Research, 137, 475-487.



  • Airoldi, M. (2020). The Ghost of the Algorithm and the Social Sciences. Critical Perspectives on Intelligent Machines and the Automation of Inequalities. Polis, 35(1): 111-128.
  • Auriacombe B. & Melkonian T. (2020). Former les managers à l’orientation client : le rôle clé de la prise de perspective,Décisions Marketing, 99, 97‑112.
  • Broeckerhoff, A., & Lopes, M. M. (2020). Finding comfort in discomfort: How two cross-disciplinary early-career researchers are learning to embrace ‘failure’. Emotion, Space and Society, 35, 100671.
  • Denegri-Knott, J., Jenkins, R., Lindley, S. (2020) What is digital possession and how to study it: a conversation with Russell Belk, Rebecca Mardon, Giana M. Eckhardt, Varala Maraj, Will Odom, Massimo Airoldi, Alessandro Caliandro, Mike Molesworth and Alessandro Gandini. Journal of Marketing Management, DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2020.1761864
  • Dessaigne, E., and Pardo, C. (2020) The network orchestrator as a steward: Strengthening norms as an orchestration practice, Industrial Marketing Management, 91, November, 223-233.
  • Feste, J., Ivens, B.S., and Pardo, C. (2020) Key account selection as a political process: Conceptual foundation and exploratory investigation, Industrial Marketing Management, 90, October, 417-434.
  • Grosso, M., Castaldo, S., Li, H., and Larivière, B. (2020) What Information Do Shoppers Share? The Effect of Personnel-, Retailer-, and Country-Trust on Willingness to Share Information, Journal of Retailing, 96 (4), 524-547.
  • Grosso, M., Castaldo, S., Premazzi, K. (2020), Retail and Channel Marketing, 2nd edition (co-authors: S. Castaldo and K. Premazzi), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Camberley.
  • Grosso, M., Castaldo, S. (2020), “An Empirical Investigation to Improve Information Sharing in Online Settings: A Multi-Target Comparison” , in F. Musso (ed.) Handbook of Research on Retailing Techniques for Optimal Consumer Engagement and Experiences, IGI Global, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1412-2.ch016, ISBN13: 9781799814122; ISBN10: 1799814122; EISBN13: 9781799814139, pp. 355-379.
  • Kreuzer M., Cado V., Raïes K. (2020) Moment of care: How interpersonal interactions contribute to luxury experiences of healthcare consumers. Journal of Business Research, 116 : 482-490 p.
  • Lai-Bennejean, C. and Beitelspacher, L. (2020), Impacts of salespeople’s biased and unbiased performance attributions on job satisfaction: the concept of misattributed satisfaction, European journal of marketing, 55(2), 468-496.
  • Nguyen B., Chen J., Foroudi P., Yu X., Chen C., Yen D. (2020), Effect of CRM Strategy on Relationship Commitment and New Product Development: Mediating Effects of Learning from Failure, Journal of Strategic Marketing,, forthcoming
  • Pardo, C., Ivens, B. S., & Niersbach, B. (2020). An identity perspective of key account managers as paradoxical relationship managers. Industrial Marketing Management, 89, 355-372.
  • Pardo, C., Ivens, B. S., & Pagani, M. (2020). Are products striking back? The rise of smart products in business markets. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 205-220.
  • Peters, L., Ivens, B.S., and Pardo, C. (2020) Identification as a challenge in key account management: Conceptual foundations and a qualitative study, Industrial Marketing Management, 90, October, 300-313.
  • Pomiès, A., Arsel, Z., & Bean, J. (2020). Taste. Consumption Markets & Culture, 1-5.
  • Pomiès, A., & Hennion, A. (2020). Researching taste: an interview of Antoine Hennion. Consumption Markets & Culture, 24(1), 118-123.
  • Rokka, J. (2020) CCT’s Future in Marketing, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, forthcoming. (Special issue: Future of Marketing)
  • Santoro, M., Airoldi, M., Riviera E., (2020). Reading Wittgenstein Between the Texts. Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 8(16): 1-52.
  • Seppälä, P., Harju, L., & Hakanen, J. J. (2020). Interactions of Approach and Avoidance Job Crafting and Work Engagement : A Comparison between Employees Affected and Not Affected by Organizational Changes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23), 9084.
  • Simoni, Michele, Schiavone, Francesco, Risitano, Marcello, Leone, Daniele, and Chen, Junsong (2020) Group-specific business process improvements via a Port Community System, Production Planning and Control, forthcoming.
  • Sujchaphong N., Nguyen B, Melewar T.C., Sujchaphong P., Chen J. (2020), A Framework of Brand-centred Training and Development Activities, Transformational Leadership and Employee Brand Support in Higher Education, Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 27, pp. 143-159.
  • Wudhikarn, R., Chakpitak, N., & Neubert, G. (2020). Improving the Strategic Benchmarking of Intellectual Capital Management in Logistics Service Providers. Sustainability, 12(23), 10174.



  • Airoldi, M. (2019). Digital traces of taste: methodological pathways for consumer research. Consumption, Markets & Culture, DOI: 10.1080/10253866.2019.1690998
  • Barisione, M., Michailidou, A., Airoldi, M. (2019). Understanding a digital movement of opinion: the case of #RefugeesWelcome. Information, Communication & Society, 22(8): 1145-1164.
  • Kornberger, M., Leixnering S., and Meyer R. (2019) The Logic of Tact: How Decisions Happen in Situations of Crisis, Organization Studies, 40(2), 239-266. 
  • Lai, C.J., Gelb, B. (2019) Another Look at Motivating – and Retaining – Salespeople. Journal of Business Strategy, (forthcoming)
  • Michel, S., Saucède, F., Pardo, C. and Fenneteau, H. (2019). Business interaction and institutional work: When intermediaries make efforts to change their position. Industrial Marketing Management, 80, 266-279.
  • Papadopoulou, N., Raïes, K., Bernal, P.M., and Woodside, A.G. (2019), Gifts as conduits in choice overload environments, Psychology and Marketing, 1-14.
  • Pomiès, A. and Arsel, Z. (forthcoming) Special issue: Taste, Consumption Markets & Culture.
  • Sitz, L. (2019), ‘I want to quit’ : Étude ethnométhodologique d’une résistance ordinaire dans la série Friends, Carnets de Consommation, 1 (1).
  • Wu J., Chen J., Dou W., Shao D. (2019), What to Say on Social Media and How, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Vol. 29, No. 5/6, pp. 691-707.


  • Airoldi, M. (2018). Ethnography and the digital fields of social mediaInternational Journal of Social Research Methodology. DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2018.1465622
  • Blanchet, V. (2018) Performing market categories through visual inscription: The case of ethical fashion, Organization 25 (3), 374-400.
  • Cléret, B., Dehling, A., Herbert, M., Leroy, J., Rokka, J. & Sohier, A. (2018) L’approche vidéographic dans la recherche en marketing: quel protocole méthodologique? Recherche et Applications en Marketing33 (3), 90-127.
  • Grosso, M., Castaldo, S., Grewal, A. (2018) How Store Attributes Impact Shoppers’ Loyalty in Emerging Countries: an Investigation in the Indian Retail Sector, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 40, No. 1, 117-124.
  • Grosso, M., Castaldo, S., Premazzi, K., (2018), “Experience retail: le nuove funzioni del punto di vendita nell’omni-channel economy”, in B. Busacca and M. Costabile (eds.) Marketing. Una disciplina fantastica. Omaggio a Enrico Valdani, Egea, EAN: 9788823816244, 157-170.
  • Gutsatz, M. and Heine, K. (2018) Luxury brand-building and development: new global challenges, new business models; Editorial, Luxury Branding Special Issue, Journal of Brand Management, 25(5): 409-411.

  • Gutsatz, M. and Heine, K. (2018) Is Luxury expensive? Journal of Brand Management, 25(5): 411-423.

  • Heine, K., Atwal, G., and He, J. (2018) Managing Country-of-Origin Affiliations for Luxury Brand-building in China. Australasian Marketing Journal. 

  • Heine, K., Crener-Ricard, S., Atwal, G. and Phan, M. (2018) Personality-Driven Luxury Brand ManagementJournal of Brand Management, 25(5): 474-497.

  • Ivens, B. S., Leischnig, A., Pardo, C. and Niersbach, B. (2018). Key account management as a firm capability. Industrial Marketing Management, 74, 39-49.
  • Koll, O., Raïes, K., Grohs, R., Muhlbacher, H. (2018) Qu’est-ce qu’une marque forte ? Une approche par les configurations des associations de la marque. Décisions Marketing, N°92, 97-113.
  • Kornberger, M., Leixnering S., Meyer R., Höllerer M. (2018), Rethinking the sharing economy: the nature and organization of sharing in the 2015 refugee crisis, Academy of Management Discoveries, Vol. 4, No. 3, 314-335.
  • Rokka, J., Hietanen, J. and Brownlie, D. (2018) Screening Marketing: Exploring the Horizons of Filmic Research, Journal of Marketing Management, 34(5-6), 421-431.
  • Rokka, J. and Hietanen, J. (2018) On positioning videography as a tool for theorizing, Recherche et Applications en Marketing 33 (3), 106-121.
  • Rokka, J. and Hietanen, J. (2018) Réflexion autour du positionnement de la vidéographie comme outil de théorisation, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 33(3), 128-146.
  • Roux, D., Guillard V. and Blanchet, V. (2018) Of counterspaces of provisioning: Reframing the sidewalk as a parasite heterotopia, Marketing Theory 18 (2), 218-233.
  • Pomiès, A. and Arsel, Z. (2018) Retracing the History of the Concept of Taste, in Taste, Consumption and Markets, Taylor & Francis.
  • Scheurenbrand K., Parsons E., Cappellini B., Patterson A., (2018), Cycling into Headwinds: Analyzing Practices That Inhibit Sustainability, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, Volume: 37 issue: 2, page(s): 227-244
  • Sitz, L. (2018) Repenser la consommation avec Foucault et la psychologie discursive., Michel Foucault et la consommation : gouverner et séduire. : Caen : EMS, 43-55 p.
  • Vicdan, H. and Hong, S. (2018) Enrollment of Space into the Network of Sustainability, Marketing Theory 18(2), 169-187.
  • Weijo, H., Martin, D. and Arnould, E. (2018) Consumer Movements and Collective Creativity: The Case of Restaurant Day, Journal of Consumer Research (forthcoming).


  • Arnould, E., Cayla, J. and Dion, D. (2017) Fetish, magic, marketing, Anthropology Today, 33(2), 28-32.
  • Auriacombe, B. et Cova, V. (2017) Tipping: what those giving and receiving a tip really think, Décisions Marketing, 86, 115-130. Forthcoming.
  • Barisione, M., Michailidou, A., Airoldi, M. (2017). Understanding a digital movement of opinion: the case of #RefugeesWelcome. Information, Communication & Society, 1–20. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2017.1410204

  • Batat, W., Peter, P., Vicdan, H., Manna, V., Ulusoy, E., Ulusoy, E. and Hong, S. (2017) Alternative food consumption (AFC): idiocentric and allocentric factors of influence among low socio-economic status (SES) consumers, Journal of Marketing Management
  • Fortes, N. Rita, P. and Pagani, M. (2017) The effects of privacy concerns, perceived risk and trust on online purchasing behaviour, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
  • Grosso, M., Castaldo, S. (2017) Privacy concerns and customers’ information sharing intentions, the role of culture”, in S. Sarma (ed.) Global Observations of the Influence of Culture on Consumer Buying Behavior, IGI Global, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2727-5.ch007, ISBN: 9781522527275, ISBN(ebook): 9781522527282, pp. 108-123.
  • Hietanen, J. and Rokka, J. (2018) Companion to the videography ‘Monstrous Organizing – The Dubstep Electronic Music Scene’, Organization, 25(3), 320-334.
  • Kornberger, M. (2017) The Values of Strategy: Valuation Practices, Rivalry and Strategic Agency, Organization Studies
  • Natale, P., Airoldi, M. (Eds.) (2017). Web & social media: le tecniche di analisi. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli Editore.

  • Pagani M. and Malacarne G. (2017). Experiential engagement and active vs.passive behavior in mobile location-based social networks: the moderating role of privacy. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 37, 133-148
  • Rokka, J. (2017) Champagne: marketplace icon, Consumption Markets & Culture, 20 (3), 275-283.


  • Airoldi, M., Beraldo, D., & Gandini, A. (2016). Follow the algorithm: An exploratory investigation of music on YouTubePoetics, 57, 1-13.
  • Airoldi, M. (2016). Analyzing social media with topic models: Sanremo 2016 on TwitterStudi Culturali,  3/2016, 431-448.
  • Arvidsson, A., Caliandro, A., Airoldi, M. & Barina, S. (2016). Crowds and value. Italian Directioners on TwitterInformation, Communication & Society, 19(7), 921-939.
  • Autier, F., Auriacombe, B. (2016) « Club Med : le bonheur de se révéler », marque employeur et employabilité, Paris, CCMP, HO632, 48 pages.
  • Dion, D. and Arnould, E. (2016) Persona-fied brands: managing branded persons through persona, Journal of Marketing Management, 32, 121-148.
  • Dion, D., Rémy, E. and Sitz, L. (2016), L’enracinement dans les cultures regionals pour créer des marques fortes, Annales Méditerranéennes d’Economie, 3, 79-95.
  • Godey, B., Manthiou, A., Pederzoli, D., Rokka, J., Aiello, G., Donvito, R. and Singh, R. (2016) Social media marketing efforts of luxury brands: influence on brand equity and consumer behavior, Journal of Business Research69 (12), 5833-5841.
  • Grosso, M., Castaldo, S., Mallarini, E., Rindone, M. (2016) The path to gain customer loyalty in pharmacy retail: the role of the store in developing satisfaction and trust, Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy, Vol. 12, No. 5, 699-712.

  • Grosso, M., Castaldo, S. (2016) Marketing, Egea, Milano, ISBN: 978-88-238-2718-9.

  • Grosso, M., Castaldo, S. (2016) CRM in Fashion Retail: Building Store Loyalty through Store Trust, in Vecchi Alessandra and Buckley Chitra (eds.) Handbook of Research on Global Fashion Management and Merchandising, IGI Global, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0110-7.ch021, ISBN13: 9781522501107, pp. 509-531.

  • Heine, K. and Phan, M. (2016) Authenticity and Prestige: What Luxury Brands could learn from the Wine Industry? Luxury Research Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2., pp. 177-190.
  • Leefmann, J., Levallois, C. and Hildt, E. (2016) Neuroethics 1995–2012. A Bibliometric Analysis of the Guiding Themes of an Emerging Research Field, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10, 366.
  • Levallois, C., Marchand, M., Mata, T., and Andriuzzi, A. (2016) Handbook of Twitter Research 2015-2016, Emlyon Press.
  • Pomiès, A. and Tissier-Desbordes, E. (2016), “Constructing the object of research in the manner of Piet Mondrian: An integrative epistemology for Consumer Research”, Marketing Theory, 16(3), 1-20.
  • Rokka, J. and Canniford, R. (2016) Heterotopian selfies: how social media destabilizes brand assemblages, European Journal of Marketing, 50 (9/10), 1789-1813.
  • Vicdan, H., Batat, V., and Hong, S. (2016) “Social Class Dynamics in Alternative Food Consumption,” in Commentaries (ed. Wided Batat) New Paths in Researching ‘‘Alternative’’ Consumption and Well-Being in Marketing: Alternative Food Consumption, Marketing Theory, 16(4), 8-14.


  • Auriacombe, B. (2015) “The usefulness of a service guarantee: The point of view of contact staff”. Décisions Marketing, n°77, Jan-March, 31-45.
  • Auriacombe, B., Sitz, L., Guers, R. (2015) : « Stratégie de marque dans les services de transport ». in Besson, M., Gueret-Talon L., Abramovici, M., Le cas des services : Recueil de cas en management et marketing des services, collection Etudes de cas, Editions EMS.
  • Borges, M., Rita, P., Pagani, M. (2015) « An exploratory study into the determinants of adoption of Mobile TV services : an integral value perspective” International Journal of Electronic Business , Vol. 12, No. 1, 2015 pp. 70-94.
  • Cayla, J. and Arnould, E. (2015) Consumer Fetish: Commercial Ethnography and the Sovereign Consumer, Organization Studies, 36(10), 1-26.
  • Cova, B., Pardo, C., Salle, R. and Spencer, R. (2015) Normal vs spectacular science: The IMP group and BtoB marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, 41
  • Grosso, M., Castaldo, S., (2015) How Store Attributes Impact Shoppers’ Loyalty: Do Different National Cultures Follow The Same Loyalty Building Process?, The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Vol. 25, No. 5, 53-515.

  • Grosso, M., Castaldo, S., (2015) Private Labels and National Brands: A Comparison Within Brand Extension”, in Francisco J. Martínez-López, Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad, Raj Sethuraman (eds.) Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20182-5_10, ISBN: 978-3-319-20181-8, online ISBN: 978-3-319-20182-5, pp. 95-102.

  • Hartmann, B., Wiertz, C. and Arnould, E. (2015) Exploring Consumptive Moments of Value-Creating Practice in Online Community, Psychology & Marketing, 32(3), 319-340.
  • Hietanen, J. & Rokka, J. (2015) Market practices in countercultural market emergence, European Journal of Marketing49 (9-10), 1563-1588.
  • Kornberger, M. (2015) Think Different: On Studying the Brand as Organizing Device, International Studies of Management and Organization, 42(2), 105-113.
  • Pagani, M., Goldsmith, R., Perracchio, A. (2015). “Standardization vs. Adaptation: consumer reaction to TV ads containing subtitled or English dubbed ads” International Journal of Advertising, Vol 34, 4, 702-714
  • Sitz, L. and Roux, D. (2015) Michel Foucault. Le souci du pouvoir. In book: Regards croisés sur la Consommation, Tome 2 – Des structures au retour de l’acteur, Edition: Collection Versus, Publisher: EMS, Editors: Eric Rémy, Philippe Robert-Demontrond, pp.141-166.
  • Vernuccio, M., Pagani, M., Barbarossa, C., Pastore, A. (2015) “Antecedents of brand love in online network-based communities. A social identity perspective” Journal of Product and Brand Management Vol. 24 7/2015.
  • Vicdan, H. and Fırat, A.F. (2015), “Evolving Desire to Experience the Social ‘Other’: Insights from the High Society Bazaar,” Journal of Consumer Culture, 15 (2), 248-276.
  • Woermann, N. & Rokka, J. (2015) Timeflow: How Consumption Practices Shape Consumers’ Temporal Experiences, Journal of Consumer Research, 41 (6), 1486-1508. (Winner of the Sidney J. Levy Award).

Autres publications

  • Auriacombe, B., Cova, V. (2014) “Place and role of tipping in the service relationship », 13ème Journées Normandes de Recherche sur la Consommation, Rouen, 27-28 novembre.
  • Auriacombe, B. (2012). Marketing public : Gérer la qualité de service. M3 – Millénaire 3, 4.
  • Cherny, L. (2007) Designing ‘Up’ in the Software Industry, Cambridge; MIT Press
  • Cherny, L. (2001) Conversation and Community: Chat in a Virtual World, CSLI Press
  • Cherny, L. and Weise, E. (1996) Wired Women: Gender and New Realities in Cyberspace, Seal Press
  • Gao, T., Rhom, A., Sultan, F., Pagani, M. (2013) “Consumers un-tethered: A three market empirical Study of Consumers’ mobile marketing acceptance” Journal of Business Research 66 (13), 2536-2544.
  • Goldsmith, R. Pagani, M., Lu, X. (2013) “Social Network Activity and Contributing to an Online Review Site” Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 7, N. 2,100-118.
  • Grosso, M., Castaldo, S., Premazzi, K. (2013) Retail and Channel Marketing, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Camberley, ISBN: 978 1 78254 618 4
  • Heine, K. and Gutsatz, M. (2014) Luxury Brand Building in China: Eight Case Studies and Eight Lessons Learned. Journal of Brand Management (21 November 2014).
  • Heine, K. and Berghaus, Benjamin (2014) Luxury Goes Digital: How to Tackle the Digital Luxury Brand-Consumer Touchpoints. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 5(3): 223-234.
  • Hietanen, J., Rokka, J. & Schouten, J.W. (2014) Commentary on Schembri and Boyle (2013): From representation towards expression in videographic consumer research, Journal of Business Research, 67 (9), 2019-2022.
  • Pagani, M. (2013) “Digital business strategy and value creation: framing the dynamic cycle of control points” MISQuarterly Vol. 37, No. 2., pp. 617-632.
  • Pagani, M., Gldsmith, R., Hofacker, C.H. (2013) “Extraversion as a stimulus for user-generated content” Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing Vol. 7 No. 4, pp. 242-256.
  • Pagani, M. Mirabello, A. (2011) “The influence of personal and social-interactive engagement in social TV websites” International Journal of Electronic Commerce (Winter 2011-2012), Vol. 16, No. 2, pp 41-68.
  • Pagani, M. Hofacker, C. Goldsmith, R. (2011) “The influence of personality on Active and Passive use of Social Networking Sites” Psychology and Marketing, 28(5), 441-456.
  • Petersen, F.E., Heine, K. (2013) When Do Consumers Indulge in Luxury? Emotional Certainty Signals When to Indulge to Regulate Affect. Marketing ZFP / Journal of Research and Management, Vol. 35, Issue 2, pp. 79-90.
  • Rhom A., Gao, T. Sultan, F., Pagani, M. (2012) “Brand in the hand: a cross-market investigation of consumer acceptance of Mobile Marketing” Business Horizons, Vol. 55, 485-493.