par joonas | Sep 26, 2020 | events, News, Uncategorized
World’s premier venue for consumer research, ACR conference, will kick off virtually in Paris 1-4 October, 2020. One of the most vivid, visually rich and exciting conference tracks is the Film Festival, co-chaired by Ekant Veer and Joonas Rokka. This year’s ACR...
par florence | Fév 11, 2020 | events, News, Uncategorized
[EDIT 1.4.2020 : TASTE RESEARCH DAY II PLANNED FOR JUNE 12, 2020, IS POSTPONED DUE TO COVID OUTBREAK. IT WILL BE RE-SCHEDULED AND HELD IN 2021.] In 2018, the Lifestyle Research Center organized a “Taste Research Day” for the first time. Given the success of the event,...
par florence | Nov 8, 2019 | News, Uncategorized
By Massimo Airoldi STEALTH LOVE Massimo Airoldi holds a PhD in Sociology and Methodology from the University of Milan (NASP) and is currently Assistant Professor at EM Lyon. His research interests include critical data studies, AI and algorithms, digital research...
par florence | Sep 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
Michel Desbordes Université Paris-Saclay Sport University of Sport (Shanghai, China) University of Ottawa (Canada). emlyon business school Books: International Sport Marketing and The Global Sport Economy Articles : 2017...
par joonas | Juin 25, 2019 | News, Uncategorized
Lifestyle Research Center proudly presents Theodore Schatzki, Professor of Geography, and of Philosophy and Sociology at University of Kentucky, USA, a leading thinker and theorist of the social and practices. His most recent book Social change in a material world...
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