Apply to Videography Workshop / 19-21 June 2024

Apply to Videography Workshop / 19-21 June 2024

Videography Workshop at emlyon Are you a Phd student or researcher and curious about working with video in research but not sure how or where to start? Join us for a workshop in the craft of videography at emlyon business school in Lyon, France, 19-21 June 2024. The...
ACR 2020 Paris / Film festival lineup

ACR 2020 Paris / Film festival lineup

World’s premier venue for consumer research, ACR conference, will kick off virtually in Paris 1-4 October, 2020. One of the most vivid, visually rich and exciting conference tracks is the Film Festival, co-chaired by Ekant Veer and Joonas Rokka. This year’s ACR...
PART IV: Videography: Select Review of Innovative Films

PART IV: Videography: Select Review of Innovative Films

(Image: Jones et al. 2018, Mapping the Extended Frontiers of Escapism videography) In the PART III of videography short film introductions, we discussed the power of film. Next we want to illuminate some concrete and innovative filmic examples and discuss their select...
PART III: The Power of Video in Research

PART III: The Power of Video in Research

Through our entire beings, we live and breathe the age of video. As Norman Denzin (2005) already put it some time ago, “the dominant cultural form of the twentieth century is, and has been cinema and now video”. What we interpret through calm consideration and our...
PART II: Videography: History and future perspectives

PART II: Videography: History and future perspectives

Videographic research is as old as film. If we consider a succinct historical perspective, cinema was in the first instance silent, where the image was exclusively based on visuality and movement. In hindsight, we can acknowledge the evocative power of video already...