par florence | Mar 1, 2022 | events, News, Uncategorized
We are thrilled to announce Branding Research Day on May 5th, 2022, at the Musée Gadagne located in the center of Lyon’s magical old town. Hosted by emlyon business school’s Lifestyle Research Center, this daylong, face-to-face event aims to bring together academic...
par joonas | Juil 8, 2020 | News
This essay is adapted from one published in Helsingin Sanomat (in Finnish) 4.7.2020. Black Lives Matter movement has pushed many consumer brands to re-think their values and relationship especially with ethnic and cultural stereotypes. In recent weeks, radical brand...
par joonas | Jan 16, 2018 | News
While self-portraiture is nearly as old as art itself, the photographic selfie emerged as a globally recognized phenomenon only recently, as a result of the rising “attention economy” and its growing appetite for likes, followers, retweets and fame. Google estimates...
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