par florence | Nov 20, 2017 | events, Non classé
WORKSHOP ON DIGITAL RESEARCH METHODS focuses on state-of-the-art methods for analysing textual and visual digital data, consisting of three modules: Tuesday 5th December (9:00-17:30), room B066 9:00 “MAKING SENSE OF DIGITAL DATA USING VISUAL NETWORK ANALYSIS WITH...
par florence | Nov 3, 2017 | events
IP are privileged moments to present our research works whatever their maturity level. It’s an “Internal meeting” in a friendly atmosphere. Presentations should not exceed 20 minutes so as to keep plenty of time for discussion. Date Who...
par joonas | Sep 14, 2017 | events
emlyon Business School Lifestyle Research Centre organises a research day dedicated to “Digital Lifestyles” at Ecully Campus on 4 December 2017, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm (Roland Calori amphi, Building B). Our program includes a range of international specialists on the...
par kane | Mai 2, 2017 | events
Apply now to the 3rd Videography Workshop organised at EMLYON Business School, Lyon, France, 11-13 May, 2017. In collaboration with Lifestyle Research Centre, this two-and-half-day intensive workshop is designed particularly for researchers, Phd students, and industry...
par kane | Mai 2, 2017 | events
emlyon Business School Lifestyle Research Centre will organise a research day dedicated to “Visualising Research” thematics at Ecully Campus on 10 May 2017. Our preliminary program includes a range of international specialists on visual research and methodologies,...
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