par florence | Mai 25, 2018 | News
Anissa Pomiès, emlyon business school This article was originally published in French. The original version is available on The Conversation website. Original Version Some researchers have recently questioned the realities of doctoral life in management science...
par florence | Mai 22, 2018 | News
A few weeks after the Taste Research Day organized by the Lifestyle Research Center, we are excited to announce that the adventure continues through another form: the academic journal Consumption, Markets & Culture will launch a special issue on Taste....
par florence | Avr 30, 2018 | events, News
emlyon business school Lifestyle Research Center organized the Taste Research Day on April 25th. The goal of the event was not only to enhance our understanding of taste, but also to establish three bridges. The first bridge connected separate academic fields...
par florence | Fév 28, 2018 | events, News
emlyon business school Lifestyle Research Centre organizes a Research Day dedicated to Taste on April 25, 2018 (8h45 AM – 5PM), in Lyon, at Musée Gadagne (room “Petit Théâtre”). This research day is envisioned as an inclusive event gathering International and...
par florence | Fév 9, 2018 | News, Non classé
Our postdoctoral researcher Massimo Airoldi has recently published a short article on the website of Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, an important cultural institution based in Milan. The article, written in Italian, discusses the “dark side” of online algorithms –...
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