A few weeks after the Taste Research Day organized by the Lifestyle Research Center, we are excited to announce that the adventure continues through another form: the academic journal Consumption, Markets & Culture will launch a special issue on Taste. Anissa Pomiès (emlyon business school, lifestyle research center), Zeynep Arsel (Concordia university, John Molson school of business), and Jonathan Bean will be the Guest Editors.

We are willing to receive theoretical and empirical articles that renew our understanding of taste. In the spirit of Consumption, Markets & Culture, we invite interdisciplinary contributions, particularly those connecting the market studies literature and culturally-oriented work on taste. We are open to theoretical perspectives, rich empirical investigations, and critical work.

Submissions are opened to scholars who did not participate in the Taste Research Day. Submissions should not exceed 45 pages, and are due November 15, 2018. If you want to read the entire version of the call for paper, click bellow! We look forward to receiving your manuscripts!

The Call for Paper