par florence | Déc 7, 2022 | News, research
In the context of 150-year celebration of emlyon, Lifestyle research center wanted to sketch a short historical background of the key events, people, and influences that helped shape the evolution and activities of the marketing department at our school. With this in mind, we were fortunate to have the chance to interview some of the past marketing department leaders – including, Philippe Albert, Robert Salle, and Gilles Marion. The resulting text was published in the 150-year anniversary book and made available in shortened form below.
par joonas | Juil 31, 2020 | research
(Image: Jones et al. 2018, Mapping the Extended Frontiers of Escapism videography) In the PART III of videography short film introductions, we discussed the power of film. Next we want to illuminate some concrete and innovative filmic examples and discuss their select...
par joonas | Juil 29, 2020 | research
This article is reposted from The Conversation France (28.7.2020). Le coronavirus continue de faire des ravages dans le monde. Les répercussions du niveau extrême de stress et d’anxiété qu’il engendre peuvent avoir des conséquences graves sur la santé physique et sur...
par joonas | Mai 16, 2020 | News
Now in its 12th episode, Quarantined Market Podcast series, brings to our attention key notions that can help understand the current conditions we are living in — including risk, social distancing, bureaucracy, dystopia, psychosis, preppers, virus & bacteria, among others.
par joonas | Oct 1, 2019 | events, News
Lifestyle Research Center is excited to share the invited guest talk video by Theodore Schatzki, Professor of Geography, and of Philosophy and Sociology at University of Kentucky, USA, a leading thinker and theorist of the social and practices. The talk features insights from his most recent book Social change in a material world extending his research on Practice Theory and offering a new, practice theoretical account of social change and its explanation.
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