par joonas | Juil 29, 2020 | research
This article is reposted from The Conversation France (28.7.2020). Le coronavirus continue de faire des ravages dans le monde. Les répercussions du niveau extrême de stress et d’anxiété qu’il engendre peuvent avoir des conséquences graves sur la santé physique et sur...
par joonas | Juin 8, 2020 | News, research
We’re glad to share news that Lifestyle Research Center has completed a large-scale international study about how Covid-19 lockdown has impacted lifestyles and wellbeing. The survey examines changes in different lifestyle consumption patterns, including...
par joonas | Mai 7, 2018 | News, research
This text is adapted from interview originally published in French by Survey Magazine, find the link to original article HERE. Customer Data Collection at the Point-of-Sale: Where Are We Right Now? (Survey Magazine): What are the current tools to gather data about...
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