emlyon business school Lifestyle Research Centre organizes a Research Day dedicated to Taste on April 25, 2018 (8h45 AM – 5PM), in Lyon, at Musée Gadagne (room “Petit Théâtre”). This research day is envisioned as an inclusive event gathering International and French researchers from different fields (consumer research and sociology). Following Antoine Hennion’s call for taking amateurs seriously, the research day will also give room to professionals of taste. In line with this philosophy, there will be four thematic teams: food, wine, music, literature. Each team will be composed of three persons: two researchers and one professional giving an insider perspective. We believe that gathering scholars from closely related fields and professionals sharing an interest in taste can lead to fruitful discussions.

We are thrilled to announce that Pr. Zeynep Arsel (Professor of Marketing at Concordia University), Pr. Antoine Hennion (Professor of Sociology at Ecole des Mines de Paris), and Pr. Alan Warde (Professor of Sociology at University of Manchester) will be part of the panelists.

Jean Dupin (Baker and Professor of Bread at Institut Paul Bocuse) will talk about the evolution of bread in France. Morgane Lafforest (Cellist) and Valentin Luiggi (Chef) will perform part of their new show blending sounds and flavours.

PROGRAM (25 April):

8H45 – 9H: Welcome! (Anissa Pomiès, Lifestyle research Center) 

9H – 10H30: Wine team

9H – 9H20: Pierre-Marie Chauvin (Sorbonne University)

9H20 – 9H40: Anissa Pomiès (emlyon business school) & Zeynep Arsel (Concordia University)

9H40- 10H: Ricolleau Bernard (Institut Paul Bocuse)

10H – 10H30: Discussion between the audience and panelists

10H30 – 11H: Coffee break

11H – 12H30: Literature team

11H – 11H20: Lucile Dumont (EHESS)

11H20 – 11H40: Susanne Janssen (Erasmus University)

11H40 – 12h: Marie Garaev (Fayard Publishing House)

12H – 12H30: Discussion between the audience and panelists

12H30 – 13H30: Lunch break

13H30 – 15H: Food team

13H30 – 13H50: Laura Dupin (emlyon business school)

13H50 – 14H10: Alan Warde (University of Manchester)

14H10-14H30: Jean Dupin (Institut Paul Bocuse)

14H30 – 15H: Discussion between the audience and speakers

15H – 15H30: Coffee break

15H30 – 17h: Music team

15H30 – 15H50: Massimo Airoldi (emlyon business school)

15H50 – 16H10: Antoine Hennion (Ecole des Mines de Paris)

16H10 – 16H25: Le Couteau & L’Archet Duo

16H25 – 16H50: Discussion between the audience and panelists

16H50 – 17H: Conclusive words (Joonas Rokka, Director of the Lifestyle Research Center)


Please note that a Special Issue on Taste based on the Research Day will be published in Consumption, Markets & Culture. Researchers who do not participate in the conference are allowed to submit a paper to the Special Issue.

To make sure the event is as inclusive as possible, we did our best to organize a free event.

The size of the room is limited, so please register below if you plan to attend the event.

By Anissa Pomies, emlyon business school

To Register