Meme culture


Meme Culture: Shifting into a real-world lifestyle phenomena

“Meme culture is the evolving culture created by memes. Initially, memes were an aspect of the internet that people would stumble upon from time to time, find themselves amused, and send to someone else for their enjoyment. However, memes have now become such a common part of people’s lives that they are quoted outside of the internet, with people finding ways to incorporate memes into real life.”

Examples of this are school’s creating “Meme day” & the newly emerging trend of “Meme Tourism” or “Meme content-creators”
SOURCE: – Michelle London March 2019

Characteristics, elements or qualities

Virally transmitted cultural symbols, social ideas. Spreading influence through a nuanced, meme-centric, form of communication. Memethink, Meme day, meme tourism, Hallo-meme.

Relevant or associated other lifestyle phenomena

Related but different lifestyle phenomenon:
1. Viral Youtube Pranks
2. Viral Internet Challenges
3. Online Tutorials
4. Youtube Story time trend

Keywords or hashtags

1. Memeculture
2. Memethink
3. Memeday
4. Memetourism
5. Dankmemes

Statistics from

#Memeculture – 64.9k
#Memeday – 83.9K
#Memelife – 1,064,717
#Jokerstairs – 5,000k
#Dankmemes – 54.5M

Google trends

Search volume index December 2014: 22/100
Search volume index December 2019: 86/100
Increase: 291%


Jastinder CHAHAL, emlyon business school student