Marta Pizzetti
I am Assistant Professor of Marketing and member of the Lifestyle Research Center at emlyon Business School (Lyon, France).
I received my PhD at Università della Svizzera Italiana (Lugano, Switzerland) in 2016, where I also worked as Post.Doc researcher (2017 – 2019) conducting a project on greenwashing funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Before joining emlyon, I was assistant professor at TBS Business School (France) and I taught courses in the marketing domain as adjunct professor at Bocconi University (Italy), IULM University (Italy), Università della Svizzera italiana (Switzerland) and Franklin University (Switzerland).
My research interests deal with corporate hypocrisy and misbehavior (e.g. brand transgressions, greenwashing), ethical and sustainable consumption and consumer well-being. I published on International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Communication Management, Ethics & Behavior, Journal of Service Management, and Qualitative Market Research.
Selected Publications
- Javornik, A., Marder, B., Pizzetti, M. and Warlop, L., (2021) “Augmented self: The effects of smart mirrors on consumers’ self-concept”, Journal of Business Research, 130, 170-187
- Gatti, L., Pizzetti, M. and Seele, P. (2021), “Green lies and their effect on intention to invest”, Journal of Business Research, 127, 228-240
- Miniero, G., Pizzetti, M., Ricotta, F. and Baccelloni, A. (2021), “Design Thinking for Food Well-Being: An Adolescent Language Perspective”, in Ed. Batat, W., Design Thinking for Food Well Being, Springer.
- Pizzetti, M., Gatti, L., and Seele, P. (2021), “Firms talk, suppliers walk: Analyzing the locus of greenwashing in the blame game and introducing ‘vicarious greenwashing’”, Journal of Business Ethics, 170(1), 21-38
- Orazi, D.C. and Pizzetti, M. (2015), “Revisiting fear appeals: A structural re-inquiry of the protection motivation model”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32(2), 223-225.
- Ordanini, A., Miceli, L., Pizzetti, M. and Parasuraman, A. (2011), “Crowd-funding: transforming customers into investors through innovative service platforms”, Journal of Service Management, 22 (4), pp. 443-470.