Anissa Pomiès
I am an Assistant Professor of Marketing at emlyon business school, and a member of the Lifestyle Research Center. Before joining emlyon business school, I have worked at Concordia University (Canada) as a postdoctoral researcher. I received a Ph.D. in Marketing from La Sorbonne University and ESCP Europe. I also hold a Master’s degree in Sociology from La Sorbonne University and École Normale Supérieure.
I research market dynamics, taste, and alternative agriculture through ethnographic methods. I am also interested in epistemology and the visual translation of my research through artistic media.
I have published in international journals and books, and communicated in major conferences. I review papers for The Journal of Consumer Research, Consumption, Markets & Culture, Marketing Letters, Recherche et Applications Marketing, and Carnets de Consommation. In 2018, I have organized the first edition of the Taste Research Day as part of my activities within the Lifestyle Research Center. Starting November 2018, I will co-edit a Special Issue on Taste for Consumption, Markets & Culture.
I am currently in the Board of Directors of the Consumer Culture Theory Consortium.
Selected Publications
Pomiès, A. (2022). Enquêter sans opprimer ? Une analyse réflexive des asymétries générées et amplifiées par l’enquête en milieu carcéral. Revue de l’organisation responsable, 17(1), 77-84.
Pomiès, A. and Arsel, Z. (Forthcoming), “Retracing the History of the Concept of Taste”, in Arsel, Z. and Bean, J. (eds) Taste, Consumption and Markets: An Interdisciplinary Volume, Oxford, Routledge.
Pomiès, A. and Tissier-Desbordes, E. (2016), “Constructing the object of research in the manner of Piet Mondrian: An integrative epistemology for Consumer Research”, Marketing Theory, 16(3), 1-20.