Alisa Minina Jeunemaître

I am Associate Professor of Marketing at emlyon business school, France. I have previously worked at Ipag Business School (Paris, France) and Stockholm Business School (Stockholm, Sweden). I obtained my PhD in Business Administration at Stockholm university in 2017. I hold a specialist degree in Organizational Psychology from Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia) and an MBA in Marketing Management from Paris School of Business (France). I have previously taught marketing workshops at Kedge Business School (France) and University of Alicante (Spain) and co-organized the Nordic junior Consumer Culture Theory research workshop series that united PhD students from Stockholm University (Sweden), Lund University (Sweden), University of Southern Denmark (Denmark) and Aalto University (Finland).

My professional experience includes several years of working in the financial services industry in the Uniastrum Bank (Bank of Cyprus Group, Russia) and UniCredit Private Banking (Italy), as well as B2B sales strategy management consulting (ProSales Consulting / Mercuri International Research, Sweden).

In my research I adopt the sociocultural perspective as a framework for understanding consumption experiences, with the particular focus on globalization, consumer mobility, acculturation and consumption in service settings. I seek to go beyond consumer subjectivity in investigating the broader market and sociocultural dynamics that intertwine with consumer experiences, using in-depth interviews, ethnographic methods, discourse analysis and digital research in order to uncover how lived experiences of consumers are being shaped by broader macroenvironmental forces, and how consumer lifestyles emerge as a response to the challenges of their daily lives.

Selected Publications

Minina. A., Masè S., Smith J., 2022. Commodifying Love: Value Conflict in Online Dating. Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 38, issue 1-2, pp. 98-126

Minina, A., Holmqvist J., 2021. Liquid, solid and in-between: service relationships in global mobility. Consumption, Markets & Culture, vol. 24, issue 6, pp. 575-595

Minina. A., Masè S., Smith J., 2020. Navigating the Marketplace of Love: Value Conflict in Online Dating Community. Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 48, pp. 537-540

Minina, A., 2016. Consumption of Financial Services: Developing a Conceptual Framework. The Marketing Review, vol. 16, n. 3, pp. 264-283

Minina, A., 2015. Home is Where the Money is: Financial Consumption in Global Mobility. Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 43, pp.393–398