Sara Belghiti
I am an Assistant Professor of Marketing at emlyon business school, and a member of the Lifestyle Research Center. I am completing my Ph.D. in ESCP Europe as well as La Sorbonne University in Paris. My research focuses on the phygital shopping experience that takes place in a point of sale combining both physical and digital components and stimuli. I am also an ESCP alumni where I got my Master’s degree with a marketing specialization. My research design involves multiple case studies in an overall inductive approach. The main methodology I am using is the “ethnomarketing” one which implies various ethnographic methods among which “netnography”, as I am simultaneously working on the digital and physical spheres. I have published a book article, communicated in national and international conferences such as Association Française du Marketing and Academy of Marketing Science.
Selected Publications
BELGHITI, S. and BADOT, O. (2016), Le phygital, nouveau mode de co-création entre enseigne et consommateurs, Actes du Congrès annuel de l’Association Française du Marketing, Association Française du Marketing (AFM), May 17-20, Lyon, France.
BELGHITI, S., BADOT, O. and OCHS, A. (2016), L’expérience de magasinage phygitale : Tentative de conceptualisation et investigation empirique, Actes de la 15ème Journée sur le Marketing Digital, September 9, Paris, France.
BELGHITI, S., BADOT, O. and OCHS, A. (2017), Phygital Shopping Experience: An Attempt at Conceptualization and Empirical Investigation, Proceedings of the 2017 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress (WMC), June – July 27-1, Christchurch, New Zealand.
ABADIE, A., BELGHITI, S., OCHS, A, LEMOINE, J-F., BADOT, O. (2018), Platformization of shopping experience: field research and modelling, CERR (Conference of European Research in Retail), July 11-13, Guidlford, United Kingdom.
BELGHITI, S. and BADOT, O. (2018) Stratégies de distribution et crosscanalité. In book: Distribution 4.0., Publisher: Pearson France, Editors: BADOT, O., LEMOINE, J-F., and OCHS, A.